IT Management: What is it, benefits and when to use? (Complete Guide)

IT Management: What is it, benefits and when to use? (Complete Guide)

IT Management: What is it, benefits and when to use? (Complete Guide)

IT Management, or Information Technology Management is the sector related to the management of technological resources used in a company. More specifically, those related to the treatment, storage and protection of information. This is a process that involves the collection, storage, selection, comparison and distribution of data.

Speaking that way, it can seem a bit complicated. But do not worry. IT management doesn’t have to be a big deal or a problem in your business. In truth, it is just the opposite. She is here to facilitate your day-to-day and streamline operations.

Today, technology is already an integral part of our routine. And that is no different for companies. Thus, good IT management becomes essential for business growth in all sectors.

Learning more about the matter will help you make the best possible decisions for your business. So we created this comprehensive article, with everything you need to know about IT management.

In this article, you will learn about:

  • What is IT Management?
  • 7 Benefits that IT Management brings to a Company
  • When to use IT Management?
  • Good practices in IT Management
  • Optimize your IT team with MILVUS
  • conclusion
  • Good reading!

What is IT Management?

Learn what IT Management is and why it is so important.

IT management, as we mentioned, is the sector responsible for managing the technology used to store and distribute data in your company. This may mean, for example, the software you use for stock management, the online service system for your customers, and the computers used by your team.
So, IT management manages all the activities, solutions and technological resources in a company. The objective of this sector is to optimize the information storage and access process. In turn, this efficiency facilitates the routine of your team, increases productivity or even verifies higher quality of services and products.

3 Pillars of IT Management

If you have already done a search on IT management, you certainly found the argument that it does not involve just computers. That couldn’t be truer. This sector is more complex than that.

Most of the methodologies that package IT management point to 3 main pillars, which function as a guide for the implementation or improvement of processes. They are:

  • People: without the right collaborators, no sector can be successful. Thus, IT management must also deal with technology teams, assigning responsibilities according to the needs of the company and the specialties of the collaborators.
  • Tools: the selection, implementation and maintenance of the machines and software necessary for the proper functioning of the company are the responsibility of IT management. These tools are essential for increasing productivity and optimizing processes.
  • Processes: even the best tools used by the best professionals will not be effective without the standardization of the processes. Thus, it is the responsibility of IT management to ensure that good practices are applied. Besides that, that the tools are used in the best possible way and that everyone knows how to take care of the integrity of those processes.

7 Benefits that IT Management brings to a Company

IT  management
IT management

Finally, how can IT management help your company?

Now you know what IT management is. Despite the great importance of this sector, it is still very common for entrepreneurs to wonder what the benefits are for their company, in practice.

Here are 10 of the biggest benefits that good IT management can offer your business:

1: Increased productivity

Today, people count on technology in all sectors of their lives. It is no longer necessary to remember phones or carry heavy agendas in the bag, for example. With your company, it should be no different.

How much time do your collaborators spend looking for important information to carry out day-to-day processes? And how much time could be saved if all the data were just one click away?

Good IT management increases productivity in all sectors of the company. This is because it implements tools that make the routine of the teams more agile, eliminating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Thus, your collaborators can focus on what they do best.

2: Cost Reduction

True, implementing IT management has some upfront costs. Therefore, when you think long term, you will see that this investment can prevent many unnecessary costs in your company.

For example, imagine that new stock software can optimize purchases made by a business. Thus, losses or excessive purchases are avoided. Also, the incidence of lost sales due to lack of stock decreases.

When effective management tools are applied throughout an entire business, it is possible to identify problems right at the start.

3: More security

Currently, the problem of data security is much discussed. As an entrepreneur, you certainly deal with a lot of sensitive information – both in relation to your company’s processes and personal data of clients and collaborators.

An information leak can seriously damage the image of your business. Imagine, for example, that an invasion causes the credit information of all your customers to be disclosed. Certainly many of them would not trust the brand with this information again.

Today, information security is extremely important to companies in any industry. Effective IT management will also take care of this sector.

4: More quality in the relationship with customers

Your company probably has different customer service channels. The trend is that, more and more, these channels are integrated. So, if a client contacted via e-mail and later decided to call the company, he hopes that he does not need to repeat all the information from the first contact.

For example, imagine that your company received a complaint from a customer via email. Without a software that centralizes the information on the client’s contracts, one of their sales agents contacts the same person the next day, aiming to offer an upgrade to their service plan.

Certainly, that customer will feel poorly served. In the end, he finished placing a support request, and in his perspective, the company’s response was an attempted sale.

Effective IT management allows all sectors of the company to have access to information that is vital to the excellence of service that your customers expect.

5: Process optimization

Consultation of information, data records and identification of potential problems are vital processes for the proper functioning of any company. So when those tasks are difficulties due to inappropriate software, a lot can slow you down.

Overall, well-implemented IT management can save businesses time and money. In addition, it also makes the routine of the employees more enjoyable, which also contributes greatly to the increase in productivity.

6: Identification of new opportunities

Your clients will not be the only ones to benefit from an integrated and efficient data collection and consultation system. When all the information is centralized and accessible to the team, it is easier to identify.

For example, it is possible to know when your clients approach a profile to upgrade services. Or, then, identify the right moment to offer complementary products to those that he already purchases with his company.

7: Greater ease of management as a whole

As an entrepreneur, you certainly know the importance of monitoring your business numbers. Good management, after all, requires you to closely monitor process performance, monthly costs, and many other data.

Effective IT management means that all this information is more accessible and organized, making it easier to manage all industries.

When to use IT Management?

Understand when IT management should be applied.

It is very common to hear this question among the business environment: “when is the ideal time to implement IT management in my company?”. The answer is simple: as soon as possible. From the beginning, if possible.

Most of the software available for administration is perfectly scalable. So they grow with your company. And don’t believe the myth that IT management is only for large companies. There are many affordable alternatives on the market. If you cannot afford a dedicated industry in your company, for example, you can outsource this solution.

A company that starts with all the necessary organization has a much better chance of success. So why wait to implement IT management and rack up trouble and expense with inappropriate processes?

Good practices in IT Management

Like any sector of business administration, IT management is based on scientific methodologies that guide the performance of the professionals involved. Good practices in IT management are standards that aim to guarantee the security, accessibility and integrity of data and processes in the sector.

Here are some of the main methodologies on the market:


ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. This is one of the most popular IT management models. This is because it is a collection of best practices for aligning IT with the specific needs of an organization.

Therefore, it is possible to provide further optimization of the services provided, with the aim of reducing costs and the efficiency of the sectors involved.

The ITIL series consists of five books, called Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continuous Service Improvement.


Also an acronym, COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology. This is a governance framework that aims to disseminate various IT concepts and practices. Here, the focus is on investments that match the needs of the business.

COBIT is divided into four domains with 34 processes and 210 control objectives.


Acronym for Project Management Book of Knowledge, this is one of the biggest references when it comes to project management. In fact, this methodology is often applied in sectors other than IT management.

PMBOK divides the projects into five distinct phases. Each of them with defined activities and areas. The objective is to structure the planning, implementation and maintenance of the processes.

Optimize your IT team with Milvus

As you can see from this article, IT management optimization is a very important step in growing your business. And don’t worry – you can find affordable solutions that are right for your business.

The Milvus platform, for example, enables IT management to be optimized in a scalable model. There are several plans that aim to meet the specific needs of your business.

You can click here to take a free trial now. Therefore, you can confirm that our solution has everything your company needs before making your decision.

Our platform has all the necessary resources for an efficient and much simpler IT management:

  • Organized and efficient asset management;
  • Automated inventory control;
  • Device Monitoring;
  • License Manager;
  • File transfer via remote connection;
  • And much more.

You can click here on this link to learn more about all the resources of the Milvus Platform.

And the best: our plans are always tailored for your business . That’s because you invest per operator. Thus, you have access to all the best tools without exceeding your investment.


IT management is essential in businesses in all sectors.

Investing in proper IT management is one of the most important decisions to ensure the success of your business. This is because, today, this is a fundamental sector for the operation of businesses in all sectors.

IT management enables process optimization, cost reduction and greater management efficiency. Besides everything, you are still able to improve your company’s relationship with your customers. And, of course, guarantee the security of all the important information for the business routine.

Thanks for your reading!


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