9 key actions to promote your podcast

There is a lot of talk about podcasts, rightly so. But when you decide to start your podcast , you may find yourself with the harsh reality that no one or almost no one listens to it. And this is understandable in the first program but if you keep 2 or three more, it undermines morale and causes many to abandon the project. If that’s the case for you, you have to understand that creating the content is only half the job . We are going to teach you 9 digital actions that you should practice to promote your podcast and gradually increase your audience.
We start from the basis that you have created a podcast on a specific topic, there is thematic specificity, and that you have a clear target audience. If this fails, first focus the topic and who you’re doing it for . If it’s a “podcast for you,” then don’t cry if no one else wants to hear it.
1 SEO4Podcast
The first thing is that you configure your podcast well: a name and a description that is related to the topic, something that whoever searches for that topic, can only find it by how you explain it. Also work on the image of the podcast , which is ultimately the first impression you will give to your future listeners. And do this in each chapter: put a descriptive title and a good explanatory paragraph of what is in each program, with the themes, name of the guest…
And especially at the beginning, from this SEO point of view , try to generate programs, at least some, with a certain evergreen orientation , that is, that they do not expire, because there will be people who end up listening to them or finding them weeks later than you have them. thrown out. If they are enduring themes, you will have more options to listen to it.
2 Multidistribution
Until Spotify becomes king of the podcast (time to time), make sure your podcast is on all the major podcasting services : Ivoox , Spotify , iTunes (for Apple Podcast), and Google Podcast , at a minimum.
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3 Family & Friends & Fools
With this base, you start publishing. How do you get someone to know? The algorithms of the podcasting platforms are capricious, they are not going to position your disco empty. You will have to fill it out first so that the iTunes or Spotify or Ivoox on duty will take you into account.
How is it done?: First of all, lean on your personal social networks . Post messages like “I have a podcast, you guys are going to love it, please listen to it and let me know what you think ”. If they are not your real target , they will not listen to more than one episode, but they still subscribe in favor and that, for the algorithms, is already a good clue .
4 Social networks of the podcast
Ah, your family is not the objective, so create your own channels for the podcast : a Twitter account, or on Linkedin or on Facebook, it depends on where you think your audience moves more. There you will announce your new programs, but not only that: you can publish when you are with the script, comment on the topic you are going to deal with and ask for feedback… when it is published, it is not only uploading the link to the half-hour or one-hour program: do teasers: a 30-second phrase, an image with a good headline…
Don’t even just stick to posting on your wall . In media like Twitter it is important that you be proactive: look for users who talk about the topics that the podcast deals with and follow them, interact with them, let them know that you have that podcast.
5 CrossPodcasting & Influencers
Nobody follows you? Well , look for users in your sector who do have powerful communities and invite them to your podcast . If they are podcasters, all the better, because their listeners already listen to podcasts, they are the best candidates to browse yours. When you publish them, they will usually share the program and you will be expanding your reach a lot . And if you manage to be invited to collaborate even punctually in theirs, all the better, double the chance of being known.
6 Reuse the content in other formats
You are new, nobody is following you, getting someone to press play to spend more than half an hour listening to you is a very strong requirement. Try to have a website in which you explain in more detail the content of each program so that you can work on SEO , thus reaching new users, and before pressing play, they can clearly see what they are going to find in audio adds value.
With the same philosophy, there are those who publish podcasts in video format (mp3 with a static cover, in its most basic form) to play to be found on YouTube as well .
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7 Create a newsletter
To those who get to reach the podcast, your goal is to repeat. Try to encourage them to subscribe to a newsletter that you send every time you publish a new podcast. If you have a website, it will be very easy to take this step. If not, there are ways with Mailchimp or other email providers that allow you to have a landing page that users can subscribe to.
8 Involve your community
In each program, make it a mantra to ask everyone who listens to you to subscribe , wherever they are listening, or to subscribe to the newsletter and help you spread it. Turn your listeners into your brand ambassadors. You could create a hashtag of your own for listeners to use, even run a giveaway to energize this type of user-generated content.
9 Boost your visibility
Some platforms like Ivoox have VIP plans for podcasters in which, for a monthly amount, Ivoox “prioritizes” them in the podcasts that it shows on the cover or in searches. It’s a way to gain visibility and start building a community for your podcast.
Bonus track
The bonus track would be: patience . The one in the podcast is not a battle of one month, but of 6 months or a year. But not because the podcast is a bad or slow format. It is that the same applies if you create a blog or if you open a YouTube channel . The exceptions are those who enter and kiss the saint and it is usually because they are already famous from before.
Be aware that you will grow, at first little by little . Measure that you are gradually improving and in no time you will begin to notice that the quality of your community, in the podcasting environment, is much higher than in a blog or YouTube itself.