7 tips to get the most out of distance learning (EAD)

7 tips to get the most out of distance learning (EAD)

Distance education (EAD) has been practiced by mankind since the 19th century. The methodology arose from the need for professional preparation of many people who, for various reasons, could not attend a school in person and evolved with the technologies available at the time. However, only in recent decades has this methodology become part of the pedagogical approach due to the representative volume of students participating. The popularization of technological tools has also facilitated this revolution in the teaching-learning relationship.

The development of student autonomy is also considered essential in EAD. According to theorists such as Jean Piaget and Constance Kamii, this is key to the learning process. Therefore, the student is always the point of focus, while the teachers and tutors have a secondary guiding role. The student, in turn, chooses the pace and way of learning according to their personal and professional demands.

However, this incredible volume of available resources presents some challenges for the best use of the course. That is why we have prepared 7 main recommendations, based on the experience of more than 10 years of the ESSS Institute , the largest simulation school in Latin America. In order for you to make good use of your distance education course, .

1. Do not underestimate the online modality

It is a mistake to think that the effort is less for those who study an EAD discipline. On the contrary, there is a greater need for personal discipline to be successful in this type of teaching/learning method. Many people end up underestimating a distance learning course, they don’t dedicate themselves enough and they don’t have the expected results. Therefore, before starting a course, it is important to understand that the degree of difficulty is often equal to that of face-to-face modality, in order to avoid future dissatisfaction with your own performance.

2. Have a suitable environment for studies

Comfort is essential for good concentration and better learning, and it is necessary to study in an appropriate place, free from external noise and with good lighting for better performance.

3. Use autonomy to your advantage

It is very important to identify the priority tasks, estimate the time needed to carry them out and organize yourself to carry out all the necessary steps until the completion of each one of them. The organization is a key factor for carrying out an EAD course. Determining fixed days and times to study throughout the week and having this self-commitment is very important.

4. Avoid distractions

Dedicate study time exclusively to studies. Social networks, games, conversations or any type of distraction should be avoided, so that the time dedicated to study can be used as it should be. In the end, the performance is much more representative.

5. Practice whenever possible

Putting the studied concepts into practice is the best way to memorize and learn. That is why it is important to carry out practices at the end of each content, better understanding the topic and even identifying what has not been fully understood. In this case, use recommendation 6.

6. Clarify all doubts

If you have any questions during the class or study, or if you do not clearly understand any of the content, look for the teachers or tutors of the subject and consult them. You must be aware of the schedules and availability of services, it is important to clarify all doubts and avoid future problems in carrying out activities and practical cases.

7. Meet deadlines

It’s so easy to forget about deadlines and get lost in tasks. That is why it is so important to write down and meet all the dates, doing each assignment at the right time and without rushing. By doing this, you improve your performance and avoid accumulating a large amount of material to study with little time available.

Face-to-face teaching methodology vs EAD

A good example of the success of EAD is the ESSS Institute. With students from all over the world and training and postgraduate studies quoted by the main players in the industry, iESSS has already graduated hundreds of students with a virtual platform. At the Institute, the methodology used in face-to-face teaching is the same as in EAD, and this has been the key to the success of the students. What changes, basically, is not the methodology, but the form of communication between the school and the students. In this sense, all computer simulation courses are planned based on the development of the CHA: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes.


Theory, methodology, correct understanding of the physical phenomena of the studied problem.


Correct handling of simulation tools to extract the best results from available software and hardware.


Positioning and constant empowerment of the student as the main person responsible for the learning process.


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