Twitter news for 2021

The social network Twitter is characterized by sharing brief information, in an agile and simple way. This simplicity and brevity in its publications is part of its success. But as in all platforms, it is necessary to adapt technologically and innovate, along with the assumption of new user habits.
With millions of active and loyal followers around the world, the use of Twitter is one more way to advertise the brand and get traffic to the corporate website . Although to achieve these visits and visibility it is necessary to work on the digital strategy with a clear objective: visits to the web can end up being direct sales.

The value information and participation in the talks will make a difference to build brand and stand out from the competition. In addition, Twitter allows you to reach very varied profiles and audiences that may interest the brand by applying strategic segmentation .
At the level of marketing content, it is relevant that any publication or interaction with the digital community reflects the brand image along with its philosophy and values.
News 2021
As we mentioned, any platform needs to adapt and innovate. These are the news from Twitter for this year:
Profile verification
Verified Twitter accounts are the ones we see with a blue badge . With this, the social network guarantees the authenticity of the account. To get this badge, the brand or the individual must request it from Twitter.
During 2020, Twitter stopped responding to these requests, which created the atypical situation of leaving requests unattended and even, over the months, making it impossible for users to request account verification.
The novelty is the announcement, by the platform, to reactivate the verification process of the profiles of the users who request it during this 2021 , although it is necessary to clarify that the request does not guarantee to achieve the precious blue badge. For this, Twitter has certain requirements such as that the account to be verified has a minimum relevance in the digital ecosystem of the social network.
To summarize, they are the Twitter stories . They are no longer visible 24 hours after their publication and can include texts, videos and images, stickers and GIFs.
Following the style of the platform, they are quite minimalist, compared to other social networks that offer a similar product. In fact, they do not allow likes or be republished, although comments or responses can be sent by private message. With these conditions, their reach will be less than any tweet, although they can effectively complement the brand’s digital strategy on Twitter.
Cards for e-commerce
This novelty will allow to include multimedia files in the publications so that the product that interests us is displayed . With this, the 200-character text is added to the images, the price or the availability of the product.
This option is beneficial for brands , since they can provide information to their potential customers without them having to go to the company’s website or virtual store.
These cards are a new commercial attraction to start in paid advertising campaigns (Twitter Ads) and they also allow you to run contests or create events.
Ad carousel
Marketers will know how to take advantage of this new tool, carousel ads. We can add several multimedia elements (images or videos) in a publication, with which we can show more details of the same product or several products at the same time, in a single publication.
Its application is simple and can have different objectives, both for advertising and for interaction or reach campaigns .
With a clear growing trend, Twitter bets on voice, on audios , and has created the Spaces platform.
On this platform, small groups will be created that share common interests and its members will be able to share information through voice notes. The responses to them may be through emoticons or other audio. If you are familiar with the ClubHouse social network, you will not have any problems.
With this tool, Twitter allows you to express opinions in small circles with personalized content and different in its format.
Super Follows
It ends up being the paid version of Twitter . Followers who pay will have exclusive content, private groups and will receive newsletters , among other advantages.
Twitter obtains income and the brands that choose to do so will direct their content to a more specific audience and with more defined interests. At the moment, the Super Follows have not been launched yet , so more details about this new product that Twitter will offer during 2021 are unknown.
It is a feature that allows users to create groups or communities with a specific interest and may remind you of Facebook groups.
In general, these innovations are aimed at a greater reach of publications with a greater and more effective segmentation ; in fact, it more directly links the topics of the publications with the interests of the users of the social network. A benefit for brand marketing campaigns and actions.
If you are interested in the latest trends on the social network, Twitter published its own report a few weeks ago. You can download it here .