Monetize Instagram and earn money

Talking about Instagram is talking about 1.3 billion users around the world. For this reason, among other intrinsic factors, it is one of the preferred social networks of marketing strategists. And precisely, in an environment of high competition, you have to be clear about the strategy to monetize Instagram and earn money.
That’s how it works
The basic premise was that, unlike other social platforms, Instagram did not pay money for content creation or views. Therefore, monetizing Instagram implied two options: first, to sell your products as a brand and, secondly, and with influencers in mind , to promote brands through direct collaboration or affiliate programs.
Do the Instagram Live badges sound familiar to you (the direct ones from the social network)? Well, they would be the most recent monetization option for the platform for influencers . With this, Instagram offers selected accounts the option that their followers of live broadcasts can “give them a tip”.
The most adept followers of the influencers can buy a badge, which offers additional functions and shows the loyalty of the follower. The amount of the badge purchase, which ranges from $ 0.99 to $ 4.99, is the benefit for the influencer . Live badges are equivalent to YouTube super chats or Twitch bits .
In this article we will focus on the option aimed at companies and entrepreneurs, that is, the sale of products or services.
Benefits of an account on Instagram
If we know that the majority of Instagrammers follow brands, they are followers of corporate accounts, it is conclusive that this digital niche is of interest. In fact, millennials and Gen Z are a very active part of this digital community.

In addition, with a format that prioritizes content and visual impact, it will allow us to promote and disseminate brand content and all our products. Images, videos and direct videos help to do this… But there is also the Instagram Shop, a function for ecommerce where we can tag products and link them to the corporate website, optimizing the purchase process.
For a brand, Instagram allows:
- Bring the brand closer to the public
The brand can be humanized through the transmission of its values, identifying with the public.
- Get to know our audience
Reactions, comments, direct messages… All this allows us to get to know our potential clients better, finding out what they need, what they want or what doubts they have.
- Generate greater engagement
Instagram is the king of user engagement with brands, since this social network generates a participatory environment in terms of interactions.
- Increase web traffic
Visibility on Instagram has a direct effect on web traffic and visits. Instagram allows you to include links in the content to corporate accounts.
Previous requirements
It is becoming easier and easier to monetize Instagram, but for this there are some requirements that must be met:
A great community . If you want to earn money you need to have a high number of followers and, also, of quality. Buying followers will not work.
Quality content. Your content strategy will improve results substantially if the content is of quality and if it adds value to users. With this, you will attract more public, gain followers and increase your chances of making money.
Active profile. The volume of activity counts. If you maintain your activity and even increase the number of publications, although without saturating, you will achieve greater reach and more engagement from your community.
Instagram Shop
In a changing market such as that of social networks, you have to adapt to current trends and technological changes in platforms. But there are strategies with effective results in relation to monetization.
Instagram Shop,
the ecommerce option for brand accounts, can be a “gem”. The platform allows us to integrate our product catalog into the Instagram store, a not inconsiderable opportunity: a huge showcase with millions of eyes on it.
To do this, simply label our products, individually or by creating collections. But how does the public view our products? There are several ways for a branded product to appear on an Instagrammer’s screen :
Instagram Shop
This icon is the Shop button, on the main navigation bar; is the gateway to Instagram ecommerce. The recommendations of this function are personalized for each user, according to their preferred brands and tastes.
Instagram Shop
From the profile of the brand there is also direct access to its Shop, through the button “See store”. In this case, the user will be able to access the entire catalog of labeled company products, with the image, the price and the access to execute the purchase from the social network itself.