How to advertise apps effectively

Carrying out an app advertising strategy requires a lot of planning, so in this post we will explain why it is important to promote your apps and how to carry it out. If you want to know how this apps advertising works and the strategies you can implement, keep reading.
Why is app advertising important?
For an application to be successful, just creating it is not enough. With the current intense competition, it is necessary to carry out app advertising strategies with the aim of:
- Publicize the app and generate brand branding .
- Generate traffic to boost downloads.
- Generate engagement so that users interact with the app.
All strategies have their own function that you must adapt to the specific characteristics of your app.
Types of strategies to promote apps
There are different strategies that can be implemented. Using one or the other will depend on the objectives you are looking for for your particular case.
Let’s see the different alternatives that you can implement to promote your app.
1.Have a website
Create an official website of the application to carry out content marketing strategies , such as a blog. On this website you can also use SEO positioning techniques that will help you to be in the top search positions.
And also, you can take advantage of it to get leads and carry out a mailing campaign.
2.Implement paid advertising
Dare to invest in paid advertising to generate installations. Google Ads offers different ways in which your ad campaigns can be seen. Later we will explain it to you in more detail.
Ads on social networks are also a good alternative like Instagram that offers different advertising possibilities and Facebook ads that will bring you even closer to your business goals.
3.Manage social networks
Since we have mentioned social networks, create profiles based on your brand identity. Generate content and plan your publications in which you must include the promotion of your app.
Do not forget to manage the reviews and comments of your audience, and to make use of visual aids such as videos, photographs, images and infographics.
4. Develop positioning strategies
Implement ASO positioning strategies so that your application appears in the first positions in the app stores where your application is distributed.
Each of the strategies that we have just mentioned have a certain importance depending on the characteristics of your application, and as we always say, also on the objectives.
One of the strategies that attracts the most attention are the campaigns in Google Ads to advertise apps. Pay close attention because now if we are going to get into the subject. Don’t miss any details!
What are app campaigns and how do they work in Google Ads?
The main objective is to attract users interested in your application. With Google Ads app campaigns, you can promote your apps on Google search, YouTube, and Google Play.
To get started, you just have to follow 3 simple steps:
Create your app ad
Choose your budget
Set your goals
How do app campaigns work in Google Ads?
The first thing you should know is that campaign optimization is automatic . The Google algorithm takes care of optimizing the performance of the campaign based on the objectives that you have previously established.
In this way, Google helps Universal App Campaigns achieve the best results with data analysis.
What should your application campaign have in Google Ads?
For your campaigns to be even more effective, you must include these characteristics:
As we have mentioned, Google will be in charge of making the offers based on the objective you have established. Therefore it is essential that you define it, you can choose between these two objectives:
Cost per installation or CPI : With this option Google Ads will be able to generate as many installations as the budget allows. That is, the money that will be paid for each of the facilities without exceeding.
Cost per installation or CPI : in this case Google generates the largest possible number of installations from a target audience. Which is the potential to perform different actions within the application and generate income.
Conversion tracking is another aspect that you should not overlook. As in Google almost everything is data, this is no exception.
Google Ads takes into account the actions that users have within the application and does the data collection. With this you will be able to orient the objectives with a much better focus and segment users by understanding their behavior. That is, information of great use to generate better strategies.
Now that you know the strategies you can implement to advertise apps and you know how to use Google Ads to create app campaigns, get to work.
If you have any related questions, do not hesitate to contact us. At Bryte , we are an agency specialized in digital marketing and we have a team of experts to manage online advertising campaigns . Contact now!