Digital marketing trends in 2021

For your digital marketing strategies to be successful in 2021, you need to be aware of the main trends in the sector, current trends that will help you implement beneficial strategies for your brand.
Knowing the main details of each of them you can implement complete strategies that give great results.
Keep in mind that the is a sector that evolves by leaps and bounds, and therefore it is necessary to stay well informed of all the news and technological advances that come to the market.
From Bloo Media we invite you to discover current marketing trends, trends that you will need to know to take your company to the top in the coming months.
What will be the Marketing trends in 2021?
Here are the trends that will shape the future of digital marketing:

1. Visual search
The visual search in English visual search, is positioned as one of the major trends in marketing in 2021. This trend is based on the technology of image recognition, ie locates images and other items on the internet from pre-existing images on the network.
This advancement in image recognition is especially important in the e-commerce sector. Why? Basically because the objective of the commercial field on the internet is focused on locating products that are in the physical world.
This new trend should encourage those companies that sell their products online to take advantage of this technology, optimizing images, that is, using quality images that show different perspectives, in order to make it easier to recognize the product that the company sells. .
2. Personalized ads
The purpose of the giants of the online world is to offer the best experience to users. For this, it is key that every day companies make an effort to offer personalized advertising, that is, advertising adapted to the needs, interests and tastes of users.
Technology, data, contextual marketing, etc., are key to knowing more details about the audience and can offer us relevant information that helps us to meet the specific needs of certain users.
Although this is progress, privacy policies are stricter every day and users find it more difficult to give up their information. However, it is expected that this situation will gradually change and that little by little users will realize that by transferring their data, they will only receive personalized advertisements that meet their interests and needs.
3. Voice search
Recently, the search engine Google has announced that currently 20% of the queries made in the search engine are by voice. And not only that! This figure is expected to rise to 50% in the next year, which indicates that voice searches are a growing trend.
One of the main reasons why voice searches keep growing is because it is much faster to speak than to type.
What should we consider? Positioning! This is one of the current trends in digital marketing that affects SEO. People do not write the way we speak and, although Google takes semantics into account, you will have to adapt the texts to voice searches.
4. Amazon advertising
Another current marketing trend is Amazon Advertising, a pay-per-click advertising system on Amazon. As with other platforms, companies or brands can place advertisements for their products in certain areas, segmenting the audience and paying only per click.
This trend has multiple benefits for advertisers. Some of the most prominent are the following: a great reach (since Amazon has 300 million users worldwide), synergies (because paid ads also improve organic positioning), relevance (Amazon allows us to access to very relevant information to know when the audience is ready to make the purchase), and easy to use, among other things.
5. User generated content
One of the most prominent advertising trends is user-generated content. This is due to the fact that younger consumers distrust the more traditional advertising, the content generated by the brands themselves, extolling the benefits and characteristics of their products. Now, they trust other consumers, what other users have tried and comment and value, and that is why user-generated content has gained so much importance.
This trend means that each user is considered a micro-influencer who has an impact on their followers, no matter how few they are.
How do I make user-generated content work for my business? To achieve this, you must take care of the user experience, make them feel cared for and satisfied not only with the product, but also during the purchase process.
6. Instant messaging apps
Who does not use an instant messaging app to communicate today? Few people currently do not use an application to communicate with family and friends instantly. This reality that we live has made applications such as WhatsApp incorporate new functionalities that allow companies to benefit from this situation. One of these functionality is WhatsApp Business , a new tool that allows you to implement digital marketing strategies in the application, showing ads in the states, giving automatic responses, creating groups of interested audiences to send promotions, discounts, information about new products, and so on.
7. Mindful marketing
Mindful marketing is one of the most impressive marketing news of recent times. This concept refers to all the marketing strategies that have both people and the planet at the center of their identity, strategies capable of showing the philosophy and values of a company.
It is a type of marketing focused on showing the most human part of a company, teaching production processes, the team, etc., with the aim that users can identify more easily with a certain brand.
Why is mindful marketing on the rise? Mainly because the younger society continually seeks to feel identified with a brand, and not only with the brand, but also with a cause.
8. Audiovisual content
The audiovisual content every day gains more ground than the text. Various studies ensure that by 2021 internet users will consume about 90 minutes of video a day.
These data should encourage you to start generating audiovisual content, leaving part of the marketing budget for the development of this type of content. However, if you currently have a very low budget … don’t worry! Today there are many applications that can help you edit videos and that offer a very professional and high quality result.
What type of audiovisual content can be made? There are many different types of content, including storytelling, content that tells stories of products, brands, people, and so on.
Finding out about new trends in digital marketing is key to implementing successful strategies! At Bloo Media, from our blog, we tell you all the details and the latest marketing news. However, if you don’t have enough knowledge and are looking for a marketing team specialized in Social Media, positioning, etc., to give your business a boost… contact us!