The INFODF invites the general public, over 18 years of age, to presentproposals for the design of the new institutional logo, in accordance with thefollowing:
1. Object of the contest.
Design the new institutional logo that distinguishes the Institute of Transparency, Access to Public Information, Protection of Personal Data and Surrender of Accounts of Mexico City, which must consist of an original image and
unpublished that takes into consideration as essential elements for the execution of design, the fundamental rights of access to public information and protection of personal data, as well as transparency, accountability accounts, open government and citizen participation.
2. Characteristics.
The participant may submit only one proposal individually. The development of the design will be focused on the fundamental rights of access to public information and protection of personal data, as well as the transparency, accountability, open government and participatio citizen in Mexico City. The logo must be designed considering its reproduction in various materials (paper, fabric, plastic, glass, promotional items).
The proposals must be original, unpublished, not have been presented in another contest or have registration of intellectual property. It must allow enlargement and reduction while preserving its legibility and without losing
the details; as well as allowing its application in color and black and white.
The logo must be presented in color, with a maximum of three inks, indicating the Pantone color code.
The works must be accompanied by a brief description of the design, in a maximum length of one page. Participants must keep a copy of the material sent. All those logos that have sexist connotations will be excluded, xenophobic, racist or offensive against people or institutions. The design may not contain allusions, shapes and colors with related themes with political parties and religious issues.
The presentation of each design must be accompanied by the assignment letter of rights, which frees the INFODF from any responsibility before the claim of third parties. The format will be available at the Social Communication Department and on the INFODF website (
3. Reception and registration of designs.
The reception of the designs will be from the day after the approval of the this call and until 6:00 p.m. on September 22, 2017, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
INFODF Correspondence Unit, located at Calle La Morena 865, Colonia Narvarte Poniente, Benito Juárez Delegation, Zip Code 03020, City of Mexico. No proposal submitted outside the established deadlines and place will be received. Actions to perform: Fill out the reception and registration sheet of the project, as well as the letter of assignment of rights, whose formats can be downloaded from the page,b or they can be obtained directly at the offices of the Directorate of Communication Social of the INFODF. The registration key will be the correspondence folio number ofbassigned entry in the INFODF Correspondence Unit. Participants must manifest under oath to tell the truth, in the form of inscription that the logotype or imagotype is the product of your creativity and work and that no copyright or other proprietary rights have been infringed industrial of other people; Likewise, they must state that they have only used design elements or photographs made by the participant himself.
To enter the proposal, a simple copy of official identification must be attached. valid (voting card, professional license or passport). All participants will submit their proposal in a sealed envelope labeled with
your name.
Proposals must be submitted in printed and digital Printed format:
• The logo must be presented in an approximate measure of 15 cm tocolor on a white background, on letter size opaline sheet.
• On an additional sheet, the technical file of the logo must be submitted. (Typography, Construction grid and Pantone codes used). A brief essay explaining the work and describe the graphic elements used in the design (Connotation of the color, line, etc.)
b. Digital format:
• The logo must be delivered on a CD, DVD or USB (Universal Serial Bus), containing the logo and the technical sheet.
• The formats for delivery of the participating logo must be: file vectorized .AI (Adobe Illustrator) and .PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
• The delivery format of the technical sheet will be in a Word document.
• Files should be named as follows:
Proposals that do not meet the specifications indicated in this Call will not be accepted.
The works entered to the contest will not be returned to their authors, they will be integrated as part of a memory of the contests carried out by INFODF.
4. Integration of the Jury and evaluation of the designs.
The Jury of the contest will be divided into two stages and integrated as follows manner:
First stage:
§ Made up of 3 specialists in design, photography, communication or areas allied; who will have the right to speak and vote.
Second stage:
§ Made up of the 5 Commissioners who are members of the INFODF Plenary; who will have the right to voice and vote. The projects will be approved under the following modality: The ruling stage will include from September 25 to 29 of this year. The Jury integrated in the first stage, will carry out a process of preselection of the 5 best designs that have been presented during the reception stage. The Jury formed for the second stage, will select, from among the 5 best designs chosen in the first stage, to the winner, being able, where appropriate, to award up to two honorable mentions. The Jury will have the power to propose adjustments to the winning design and, in its case, in the honorable mentions, without these affecting the essence of the proposals. The decision of the jury will be final and irrevocable. The Contest may be declared desert in case there is no proposal that adheres to the bases
established in this call. For such purposes, the jury of the second stage who will determine the procedure to follow.
The proposals and design work will be evaluated in accordance with the requirements established in this call and will be a reason for disqualification the lack or omission of any of the characteristics indicated. The Evaluation criteria will be based on what is established in the bases. The proposals will be evaluated based on the reflection of the issues raised in the object of this call, technical excellence, composition, impact general, criteria of originality and artistic merit. The winning design will form part of the institutional image and will be applied in all print and digital media as well as in various internal communications and external to the INFODF. The Jury will not assume any expenses nor will it be responsible for possible damages orb losses occurred during the journey of the designs to the INFODF.
5. Results and Awards
The results will be announced on September 29 of this year, in the Internet page of the INFODF and directly in the contact information provided at the time of registration of the design.
The Jury formed for the second stage, will select, from among the 5 best designs chosen in the first stage, to the winning design, being able, where appropriate, award up to two honorable mentions.
The winning design will be the new institutional image and will be applied in all print and digital media, as well as in the various internal communications and external to the INFODF.
The award ceremony will be held on October 1 this year, during the Fair for Transparency to be held at the Monument to the Revolution of this City. 6 The following economic incentives will be delivered:
First Place: $20,000.00 (Twenty thousand pesos 00/100 M/N).
If the Jury decides to award an honorable mention, the amount of 10,000.00 (Ten thousand pesos 00/100 M/N).
In the event that the Jury resolves to award two honorable mentions, The amount of 5,000.00 (Five thousand pesos 00/100 M/N) will correspond to each one. The prizes will be awarded by the INFODF through a check payable to the
winner, and, where appropriate, the creators of the honorable mentions; on the day and time that the INFODF indicates for such purposes, which may not exceed the 10 business days following the award ceremony, and must present in order to receive the prize, your valid official identification (voting card, professional license or passport).
6. Ownership of the work.
The chosen project will have the express consent of the winner to give in exclusive to INFODF the rights of use, reproduction, assignment, distribution, public communication and transformation of the design without payment or compensation to the winner. In the case of honorable mentions, in the same way, the provisions in the preceding paragraph, insofar as they will assign exclusively to the INFODF the rights of use, reproduction, assignment, distribution, public communication and without payment or consideration. The Letter of Assignment of Rights and the Call will be available at the Social Communication Department of the INFODF or may be downloaded from the website
7. Acceptance of the bases.
Participation in this call admits full acceptance of the bases. The interpretation of the same or of any aspect not indicated in them, corresponds solely and exclusively to the Jury formed for the second stage. The dates established in this call may be subject to changes without prior notice.
8. Publication of the call.
This call will enter into force the day after its approval. published on the INFODF Internet page.
9. Protection of personal data.
Participants are informed that the personal data collected will be protected under the terms of the applicable laws. The provided information by the participants will only be used for the procedure established in the this call and the corresponding intellectual property registration. At any time, participants may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO) by contacting the INFODF. In case of doubts or clarifications regarding this call, The following contact information is available: In person. Directly at the Department of Social Communication of the INFODF located at Morena 865, Colonia Narvarte Poniente, Benito Delegationc Juarez, Zip Code 03020, Mexico City Via email to the following addresses: on the phone 5636 2120 extensions 227, 147 and 133.