Computer Has a Big Role in the Modern Education

Gone are the days when computers were considered a luxury. Now, it has become an
important tool of our daily lives. Our dependence on computers has increased so much that
right from morning when we wake up till we again go to bed, everything we do needs computer application.
Computers are Quintessential
For example, what is the first thing people do in the morning? They check their mobile, look formails, and messages on Whatsapp, or messenger. They see notifications and updates on their
various social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Connect app, and LinkedIn. Allthese things and more, you do on your smartphone, or the laptop.
You may be thinking smartphones are different. Well! That is another version of a handheld
computer. Again you are getting ready for your office, and have a few minutes. You check the
current news on the app and leave for your office.
Now even while you are driving, you are using Google navigation for a traffic free route. And
once you reach the office, you will spend the entire day hooked to either your laptop or the
In short, computers have become quintessential for our day to day survival, and there is not a
single aspect of our life that is not affected by computers. Education is one particular area that has hugely benefited from computers.
If education has become modern, the credit goes to computers. Right from nursery class,
computers have become a reliable ally for students. Computers have completely changed the
field of education and have opened many new avenues of education for children. Some of
them are as follows.
Smart Classes
Traditional form of teaching has undergone a lot of change in the last few years. Now the
normal school classes are being converted into modern smart classes. Teachers frequently take
help from interactive media, images, animation, presentations, videos, simulated content and
smart content to teach students. It also helps children to understand the concepts and retain
such knowledge for a long time.
In earlier times, when teachers had no such tools available, they spent long hours collecting
relevant pictures, models, and content for their classes. Computers have made the teaching job easier because now with a click of mouse, teachers can show almost anything to their students in real time.
The entire process of teaching has become enjoyable and interactive courtesy of the arrival of
computers. Moreover, tools like ERP generate self-driven score cards by tracking school
activities, performance of students and teachers.
For conducting smart classes, computers are used for managing school administration and
analyzing performance of students at various levels.
Online education
Online teaching has become possible because of computers. In addition to strengthening the
traditional education system, it has played a crucial role in providing skill based courses.
Children can join multiple courses like painting, embroidery, tailoring, and coding to enhance
their skill.
Online education system provides many added benefits to children which is not possible in the traditional education system. That is why online education has become so popular among youngsters, and the number of such students is constantly increasing.
Online classes have now become an important part of education. During the lockdown, almost every school and college was closed, and school administration and teachers were clueless as to how to find an alternative to regular classes. Eventually, online classes began that allowed students to continue their studies even while sitting at their homes.
Without these online classes, the resumption of normal classes was unthinkable. Just imagine
what would have happened, had schools continued being closed. It would have done
irreparable damage to students' academic life, and they would have easily lost two years. Online classes ensured that students were back to their classes in the digital mode.
Digital Library
Conventional school books and study materials are now getting converted into digital mode
and e-book which students can download on their smartphones, or computers. They don't need to carry the bulky and voluminous study material in their school bags. They can carry everything in a digital mode within their phone.
A wide range of magazines, brochures and articles are available online that students can read
through the internet at their convenience. All the usual functions of the school library like
returning the book, and issuing the book are being automated with the help of computers.
Before these digital libraries came into existence, it was a big challenge to get important books from school libraries. The important books were always limited in numbers while the students who wanted these books were in large numbers.
Therefore, sometimes students had to wait for months to get these books which affected their performance in exams. There is no such problem with digital libraries. Now, every student can get the digital version of the book on his computer, and can also share the study material with their classmates.
Projects and Research
Computers are very helpful for students for their project and research work. In the present
time, every type of content, data and information is available online, making it very convenient for students to complete their research and projects. It doesnt't matter what the topic of the project, there is more information available on Google that students can ever use.
Previously, such project assignments were a huge challenge not only for students, but also for their parents. Every parent wanted to see their children on the top, and they went out of their way to get these projects completed. They spent days sitting with their children guiding and helping them. After Google made its appearance, they also took a sigh of relief.
Career Counselling
Computers also play a key role in guiding students about which courses to adopt after their 10th or 12th board exam. They can learn about different professions and careers by watching
videos, and interviews. There are many students who possess talent for a certain career but in the absence of proper guidance and counselling, they end up in the wrong career. But now computers, and the world of the internet has opened fresh avenues for such students.