commandments to ensure customer satisfaction

commandments to ensure customer satisfaction

Satisfying the customer is the goal of all companies . Customers are the most important external public and it is their satisfaction (or lack thereof) that will dictate the success or failure of the business. A satisfied customer can become a loyal customer of your brand, so it is essential that you can meet the needs of each customer. In today’s article, we present the 7 commandments to ensure customer satisfaction.

Excellence care

Have a good relationship with the client at the time of attention. Be attentive to his needs and, if possible, anticipate, offering solutions. It’s important that you don’t use a standard response formula, as that will sound bogus and convey the message that you treat all customers the same way. Customers like to feel unique and special and you should reflect this in your care!

after sales service

The sale does not end at the moment the customer buys. There must be a follow-up after the moment of sale, to know if everything is okay with the product or service and to be available to find other solutions for other possible customer needs. After-sales service is especially important in the B2B area.

Offer special conditions

Many companies, to captivate new customers, offer special conditions to those who do not yet have a connection with the brand. This makes current customers feel penalized. Actually, the client who already maintains some kind of relationship with us should be the beneficiary, and not the other way around! Offering special prices and specific offers to customers is a great way to keep the customer loyal for a long time.

Offer solutions

Today’s consumers are very informed and very demanding. They are no longer looking for a product, but a solution that completely solves their problems. When presenting your products or services, you focus on the problem they solve. In this way, it will be much easier to captivate the customer’s attention and get them to buy.

plan your work

The contact with clients and potential clients must be well planned, to know exactly the moment in which the client should approach. For example, you should always follow up after a product or service presentation to see if the customer has any questions. However, this follow-up should not make the client feel pressured. You must give the person time to think and decide if your product/service is the best to meet their need.

Make contact easy

As has already been pointed out, today’s consumers are very demanding and you have to always be up to date with their needs and desires in order to win them over. In a world dominated by the Internet and social networks, brands that allow contact through these means benefit. Let your customer contact you through Facebook, for example. You can also place a contact form on your website.

Be honest

It seems like very basic advice, but in the sales area we still find many professionals with an unrealistic discourse about the product. It is important that you do not exaggerate the qualities of what you have to offer, as this may sound false to the customer and convey a negative image about the seller. You should always be honest with the customer and have no problem saying you don’t know something about the product, as long as you are willing to quickly learn and inform the customer.


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