Marketing trends for 2021

We live in a world in constant transformation. Anticipating and adapting to permanent changes is one of our main challenges. Therefore, it is important to know the new consumer behaviors and the new tools to integrate them into our digital marketing strategy. Let’s learn about some marketing trends for 2021.
The year that we have just started is not going to be easy, and it is going to be digital . The market suffers from the saturation of information and products that can be obtained anywhere in the online ecosystem. Faced with this situation, any organization will want to differentiate itself from the competition, enhancing the brand and offering a good customer experience. We seek to visualize ourselves.
The truth is that, as in everything, there are different opinions and strategies to face the current scenario, but there is consensus on a specific issue: Artificial Intelligence is on the way to becoming the protagonist, leading to lower costs and sales growth . Marketing is already changing its models and the solutions it provides thanks to AI, for example, in the segmentation of the brand’s target.
It is clear that, with the pandemic, consumer habits and needs have changed in a short time; currently, all types of products must be available for purchase online. If ecommerce has grown and become widespread, it would be interesting to retain our customers with a good shopping experience . A personalized treatment, from empathy and generating trust, can be what makes the difference.
The advertising based on buying audiences , not spaces as was done with the traditional, will continue rising all the social media platforms and increasingly technological expertise to optimize their results.
In previous articles we already talked about CRM or customer relationship management. Well, this concept, together with the communication channels through social networks, email marketing or the customer journey process will be key elements for the brand’s relationship with its customers . All by and for leads and sales.
New strategies
We should also take into account something: everything can be an opportunity . As we pointed out previously, social media is constantly evolving and any new tool or platform, with a good marketing strategy, can be a good option to study. As an example, when TikTok appeared, companies looked at it with skepticism, but, over time, many brands are present: we cannot ignore a community of users that is catching up with Instagram and all the business options it offers. And for this, nothing better than to become familiar with an increasingly hegemonic resource: short-term marketing videos .
Do you know what Storyscaping is? We could say that it is the evolution of storytelling as a new way of creating the corporate imaginary to seduce and convince users. In fact, we no longer explain the history of the brand, but we tell the story of our clients, as assets that identify values and products of our brand.
In this article we cannot forget another key concept for this year: omnichannel marketing . This strategy allows the coordination of all the company’s channels to meet the needs of customers and their personalized shopping experience . For this comprehensive care, the departments of the company that have a relationship with customers in any aspect must be interrelated and coordinated.
2021 begins with interesting trends in digital marketing.