The father of the IoT or Internet of Things will be in Medellín sharing his vision of what this technology can contribute to more sustainable cities, industries, homes and people.
In 2020 60% of human beings will live in cities and this population, in turn, will be connected by the IoT or ‘Internet of Things’, which is estimated to have about 50 million connected devices in that year,
What does this mean in terms of everyday life?
Kevin Ashton, the creator of the term ‘Internet of Things’ gives some clue as to what that near future could be when he points out that predicting the future is difficult, but believing it is even more so.
With that almost fictional perspective that awaits residents in urban areas, there are many aspects of the IoT that will impact the daily lives of people, their jobs, industries and of course, it could enhance sustainability management.
With the mission of collecting, sending and receiving data, and looking towards the initial applications of this technology, the primary impact of the IoT will occur, contrary to what may be thought, in industries and not in homes since, as it is Obviously, the products used in homes and everyday life are the result of long processes of innovation in the hands of the industry, initially of electrical appliances.
In industries, the practical implementation of the IoT can begin to be seen from raw material storage systems, containers and cranes for example that, connected, exchanging information in real time -one of the main benefits of IoT, will manage the first steps of the industrial process. But additionally the machines will be more efficient when interacting, they will be able in addition to being controlled through the network, they will save significant amounts of energy thanks to the precision of their operation, calculating peaks in production or determining lower expenses in moments of low intensity.
Kevin Ashton, the creator of the term ‘Internet of Things’
In addition, this technology could impact the logistics and transportation processes, programming of delivery vehicles that will have more efficient routes thanks to the large amount of information available to synchronize each component of the system that, better still, will be learning more and more about how become more efficient.
Now, whatever product the industry offers, it will reach homes with all the innovation that companies currently seek as its essence and Big Data, that large amount of information from which we can extract new, more valuable data, will transform the life at home and will contribute not only in terms of well-being but also in the possibilities of having more sustainable cities.
In other words, as Ashton affirms, the “normal” possibilities of having a refrigerator connected to your mobile and this in turn to the supermarket will not be a more efficient solution for buying food; rather, you can dream of constructions, houses and buildings, much more intelligent in energy consumption for example. Elevators are already reaching savings trends of between 30 and 50%, for example.
The garbage collection truck will be more efficient thanks to the fact that it will know in advance which house to stop at because there is waste and which one not, since it did not generate it.
Telemedicine systems will know when to send a doctor to your residence thanks to the permanent monitoring that mobile devices will make of your health, which will not only evaluate your habits, but will thus be contributing to the construction of more sustainable cities thanks to lower costs per patient and more comprehensively in the accumulation and processing of all this information in the formulation of public health policies at the city and even regional scales.
Many other impacts of the IoT can and are in fact beginning to be seen in cities: mobility, education, public services.
The creator of the term, Kevin Ashton, will be in the Colombian city of Medellín participating in Innovation Land 2017, the meeting of the country’s business sector to promote innovation in industries. There it will be possible to know what the ‘father’ of this technology thinks and the new possibilities of the IoT in the construction, from all aspects, of the world’s sustainable cities.