Everything you need to know about positioning in Google

Getting a good position in Google is a task that requires patience, work and constant monitoring. The first page of search engine results is a desired place for everyone, so getting a good position in google can be difficult, but luckily it is not impossible, and we are here to reveal some tricks.
It is possible that if you have a blog or a website you have thought about looking for it to see in what position you appear. Using the most suitable words is essential to improve positioning in Google. It can make a big difference in the success of your website, as being on the first page will generate a lot of organic traffic.
Organic traffic can be the best ally for your online business. Firstly because we don’t pay for it, and secondly because it can be a great conversion agent for your online store. Either to get leads or sales, it is estimated that out of every 100 visits 1 of them will carry out a conversion action on your page . Therefore, the more quality organic traffic we can attract to our page, the more possibility of increasing our conversion rate we will have.
What exactly is positioning in Google?
Positioning is the place your website occupies on the search engine results page (SERP) when searching for certain keywords. Results that appear on the first page tend to receive more clicks, especially if they are among the first results. It is estimated that if they are in the first organic position of the SERP, 25% of the search volume can be converted into a visit .
It is convenient to differentiate two types of results:
Payment results: SEA
They are those that appear first on the results page. They are accompanied by the word “Advertisement” or “Ad” on the left. Search Engine Advertising is a cost-effective way to improve business, as being high on the SERPs makes brands and products more visible.
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Advantages of SEM positioning
Search engine marketing (or Search Engine Marketing ) can be an effective way to grow a business and differentiate yourself from the competition, as this technique offers us a number of advantages.
1.Increase in website traffic.
All SEM campaigns have a common objective: to get visits to our website, either to sell our products or services, to enhance our brand image or to make ourselves known. Thanks to Google AdWords we are able to increase visits to our website in the short term , which means a saving in time if we refer to the volume of visits.
2.Comprehensive monitoring
Just a couple of days after starting a campaign we can start receiving information about the progress and results that are being achieved as a result of our ads and the keywords we have chosen.
Through advertising on Google we have detailed information on what users do , such as the number of clicks the ads receive, their impressions, their position, the cost of the campaign, etc.
There is also the possibility of linking the AdWords account with Google Analytics, which, if properly configured, will give us a quantity of very important quality data that will help us understand and know the users who are interested in our website and who may be interested. to perform a purchase action.
3.Complementing SEO positioning
Companies that are committed to carrying out a digital strategy must establish as their main objective to position themselves at the top of the main search engines and specifically, Google. With SEM advertising, we will get short-term results . This immediacy will make our website appear in the first positions. This will complement the SEO strategy that is carried out. Through SEO positioning, we will achieve medium / long-term results. This requires working on content marketing, social networks and corporate blog, and that these go in the same direction and correctly focused, in addition to adding the necessary technical aspects to a website.
Organic results
Organic results are those results that occur “naturally” in the search engine, and, therefore, are not advertisements. These types of results are the ones that give users the most confidence, which is why they receive a large number of clicks.
Organic positioning, however, depends on several factors, since Google’s algorithm for ordering SERP results is not known exactly and, in addition, changes occur frequently, there is no single way that tells us, step per step how to appear in the best positions . Search engines like Google evaluate the relevance (how consistent the search result is with the term the user uses to search) and authority ( how important the page is in the eyes of the search engine used) of your pages with regarding the keyword chosen by users, in order to show the results that best suit their search and interest.
To achieve a good position in Google there are SEO techniques, which aim to optimize your pages so that, progressively, they appear in those first positions.
Therefore, knowing the positioning of your website and working to improve it is very important when evaluating the SEO strategies that are being carried out and also analyzing their effectiveness. With this, the necessary changes can be made to improve results. A website with a good ranking in Google means:
- More traffic for your website
- Increased visibility
- Higher conversion rates
Tips to improve Google positioning
We already talked about some SEO techniques to get a good position in Google. Achieving it will be the result of having a well optimized site, with easy navigation and a responsive design. Quality content is essential on any page, as well as the use of keywords and internal and external links. All these SEO actions are essential to bring your website or blog to the first page of results. Other tricks that we can reveal are:
1.Index only what you want to position
It is important to facilitate the work of the Google robot and avoid wasting time in sections of your web page that are not of interest to the user. For this, everything that we do not want to position must be put in “no- follow “. An example of the pages that are not interesting to position are, for example, the “Legal Notice” or “Privacy Policy”.
2.Get traffic and retain users
This is a complicated task, since it takes work and dedication to create quality content that creates interest in the audience you are targeting. Loyalty users who visit your page on a recurring basis is a good way to get regular visits. The ” branding ” factor is decisive for search engines in the digital age.
3.Make use of Social Networks
Natural positioning can depend largely on the impact you get on social networks, mainly because it allows establishing relationships, and this is a positioning factor in itself: it confirms the link profile and gives you visibility and branding . You will not get relevant links if no one knows about you and if your content does not have a brand to which it is safe to link.
Networks like Instagram, Twitter, and even Facebook can be very useful, depending on the sector and the brand, and there are various tools available that can be a way to gain traffic and links. Even blogs are important tools, although it is not about writing for its own sake, they require more research and work.
4. Know the interest of your users
It is important to know who you are addressing, since each audience consumes different information, and in a different way. It is important to make use of some tools, such as Google Trends , but you should also look beyond the recommendations similar to the theme of your website, and look for what needs your content satisfies, the various ways in which they can be expressed, and as a result of this, create the specific content.
5. Giving users a voice
Users are the best way to generate content without your having to do it directly, and although managing that content requires time and dedication, it yields impressive results.
Comments on blogs or products, provide a very important SEO value, since semantic content is added in relation to your page. Create a forum in case your community is active and eager to talk, although you can also choose to accept the submission of questions and answer them yourself.
Tools to know the positioning in Google
Searching our website directly in the Google search engine is not the best way to know the positioning, since the results that you are going to obtain when searching for the various keywords will not be the same that someone else can find. Google tailors the results depending on your geographic location, search history, the sites you visit, and even your Google account.
There are many tools that will facilitate the automatic monitoring of those keywords in which we are interested. Doing it manually would be an effort that would not benefit us.
Free tools to know the positioning in Google
Small SEO Tools
Small SEO Tools is another free and very easy-to-use tool. It is very intuitive and intuitive and accurately provides the position of keywords for a given domain.
To use it, you must enter the domain on which you want to work, country and device from where the search is made, as well as the keywords you want to check.
You will automatically obtain information on the positioning of the keywords, as well as other information that is important to analyze and take into account, such as the volume of monthly searches, the cost per click ( CPC ), the number of results or the search trend of the selected keywords.
seo tools_google positioning
A free tool, very simple and easy to use. It will show you your positioning by entering the url you want and the main keywords. It will indicate if your site is among the first 100 results.
You can register for free to access an automatic monitoring service that allows you to enter an unlimited number of projects and keywords.
It is one of the simplest tools to see the positioning of a website. In this tool there is also the option to configure the country and language. It also allows you to configure the type of device on which you want to query the keyword. With this we will obtain the position and the specific URL that is positioned by the term you have entered.
Payment tools to know the positioning in Google
SE Ranking
This is an easy-to-use comprehensive SEO platform with multiple tools, such as competitor analysis or website auditing. It also allows the monitoring of the position of a website in various search engines, in which Google is included. This platform provides complete reports with visual representations of the daily changes in the positions of your pages.
It has a free trial version of 14 days, although the paid version has the possibility to customize with more information available
This platform offers a variety of tools that perform various SEO tasks, and it is a highly recommended option to have everything in one package. We can find a total of five applications integrated with each other that will allow us to carry out almost any SEO task:
- KWFinder: to easily find and manage profitable keywords.
- SERPChecker: to analyze the keywords and their competition in the results.
- SERPWatcher: to monitor the positions of the keywords.
- LinkMiner: for the investigation and monitoring of links.
- SiteProfiler: to investigate the authority and SEO metrics of any domain or URL.
google positioning tools

Ahrefs is a well-known paid tool for SEO technicians thanks to the number of keywords in its database.
In the keywords section, in addition to seeing the position of your keywords, you can know among other things:
- Search volume.
- The traffic that that keyword is bringing you.
- The difficulty of positioning that traffic.
- A chart with the history of positions.
- The list of the first positions of the SERPs.
It also has a section called Rank Tracker in which you can create a project and select the keywords that interest us to position, to establish a daily monitoring and compare ourselves with the competition. This tool also offers a summary of the set of selected keywords with their visibility index, traffic, position movements, average position, SERP features …
These tools will help you customize the strategies that you can carry out on your website, as well as analyze the results and with them improve actions.