Today we live in times in which the Word of God already told us what would happen. (Dan. 12:4). Technologies were made “to make our lives easier”, which is why we are surrounded by electrical devices.
All this, whether we like it or not, is already part of the times in which we live. The big question is: Will we be “FRIENDS” or “ENEMYS” of TECHNOLOGY? The Bible sheds light on how we should use technology (“All things are lawful for me, but not everything is good for me. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by any” 1 Corinthians 6:12).
Let’s meditate on the biblical story of DAVID and GOLIATH (1 Samuel 17). The Philistine army was one of the best equipped in war and combat weapons of its time, added to the stature and mettle of the warrior GOLIATH, caused the fear of the Israelite army, who did not find a warrior who could face him. But David, a brave young man anointed by the Lord, understood that God would give him victory. David did not use the armor of the soldiers of his people, because he did not know how to use it, so he took hold of what he knew, and had in his hands; his wave (Paleolithic technology) to defeat Goliath, but right away, he “updated” to the technology of his time, cutting off Goliath’s head with the same sword. After the great victory, David did not equip the Israelite soldiers with “waves”, but with the best weapons of the time,
Based on this experience, we need to make correct use of what we are used to using, but it is necessary to “update” ourselves and make use of the technologies that will help us improve our lives; in this case, applied to the use of Christian organizations.
God left us a Global Mission to do (Mark 16:15; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21). If we are people “understood in the times” in which we live, we can use all the technologies that are at our disposal in order to carry out this great task.
How do we use technology as a tool to fulfill our call to share the gospel?
I have visited churches that have incorporated the latest technology into their services or public gatherings. Preachers and teachers using computers, image projectors that are used to guide the public in songs, classes or sermons; videos of testimonies of missionary work, the best in sound equipment, etc., with the aim that the message of the Word of God is better presented and understood by the public. This shows that churches are not turning their backs on technology, but are equipping themselves for better service.
- Smart mobile phones (Smart Phones): This is one of the fastest growing technological tools in the world, and in 2017 the number of mobile lines exceeded the world population for the first time. Users reached 5 billion in 2017, but SIM cards rose to 7.8 billion. (Munoz, 2018)
- Computers / Tablets: The use of computers entails thousands of facilities for the development of many applications, including mobile applications better known as APPs). Utility programs for text editing, mathematical spreadsheets, graphic design tools, recreation games and even electronic Bibles (I recommend E-sword – it contains more than 20 versions of the Bible, maps, concordances, comments, totally free from the Internet) .
- Electronic mail (E-mail): The facilities have no limits when it comes to saving time by sending and receiving mail from any computer in the world. Letters, meditations and biblical courses, devotionals, and invitations to events are just some uses that are given to this tool.
- Web Pages: There are Churches and Ministries that present their organizations, goals and services through an electronic site that allows them to make the message of the Gospel of God known to the entire world through the Internet.
- Social networks: The rise of social networks was born as a result of the need for natural relationships of human beings. The basic principle is “make friends and share”, be it comments, photos, videos, messages, etc. Its wise use and the intelligent use of these resources brings a lot of blessing when it comes to MAKE FRIENDS and SHARE JESUS.
- Mass media (radio, television, newspapers, magazines): “A picture is worth a thousand words”, is a saying more than ever applied today. That is why we need to impact society through the media.
- Use of instant messaging. Tools like WhatsApp have allowed many people to share their faith through this technological tool.
The relationship of believers with the use of technological tools is not incompatible with a life of faith, prayer and constant search for the Holy Spirit, the use of gifts for the development of the local church and its evangelizing work. The testimony that we find in the book of Acts, of how the early church, the disciples and the apostle Paul, show us that they were able to effectively transmit the message of salvation in their socio-cultural environment.