8 advantages of having an App for your busines

We have gone from thinking about whether it is necessary to have a company email, to needing a corporate website. Traditional methods no longer work, today everything happens through the computer screen. Better said, through the mobile screen since these have become the main point of access to the Internet, surpassing computers.
1. Brand strengthening
The App will provide a different experience to customers: more comfortable, easier, more useful and closer to the brand. Which will make you stand out from the competition.
2. Greater visibility
The presence of our app in the App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store will generate an increase in organic searches, improving our SEO positioning.
3. Customer loyalty
An App generates engagement since we can obtain basic data from those customers who follow us: age, gender, geographical location… It gives companies the possibility of participating with their customers in real time, according to location, time and their tastes , providing the opportunity to create a profile and respond under it.
The more we know our customers, the more actions we can generate to build loyalty and keep them. We will be able to find out what products or services they prefer from those we offer and thus adapt to the consumer’s taste, which, after all, is the most important factor in a business. Strengthening the bond between the company and the client.
An app adds value to our brand by adapting it to reality, providing the customer with a simpler and faster system to access or search for products.
4. Always present
Probably one of the most important advantages of having a corporate App. Since by having us on the Smartphone we are generating a permanent memory of our company.
5. Offline availability
Not all people have access to the Internet throughout the day. A mobile app will allow your users to browse the catalog of your products, news and promotions at any time they want , whether or not they have an Internet connection.
6. Differentiation
Not all our competitors have an App, that will mark a differentiation value that will make you stand out above them. Offering an innovative, updated and modern image.
7. Usability
The client will have the option of going to your “business” whenever they want. Perhaps your physical business closes at 7 in the afternoon, but thanks to your App the client will be able to access your services and/or products when it is easier for them or when time permits.
8.Customer service
An App expands the commercial scope of your brand, products and services, synergizing with other existing channels, sharing centralized information stored on servers, providing the user with an experience tailored to him.
Can you think of any more advantages of having a corporate App? Leave us your comments below and tell us what you think.